Trades PowerPanthers

TOHL16 - Preseason

To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL17 Round 3 BUC
To Bucks
Pick TOHL16 Round 4 POW

To PowerPanthers
Boyan Tabakov
To Admirals
Cliff Hanger
Pick TOHL16 Round 1 POW

To WildWolves
Raymond Monplaisir
Pick TOHL17 Round 2 POW
To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL16 Round 1 HAW

To PowerPanthers
Humberto Alvarez
To Bravehearts
Pick TOHL17 Round 3 BUC

To PowerPanthers
Mikkel Christensen
To Pirates
Casey Ryback

To Hawks
Mirko Buttje
Ben Dover
Pick TOHL17 Round 3 POW
To PowerPanthers
Talib Ahn
Sam Boni
Pick TOHL17 Round 1 HAW

To Northern Pikes
Rupert Hohlmeise
Pick TOHL16 Round 3 POW
To PowerPanthers
Fred Rumsch

TOHL15 - Day 31

To PowerPanthers
Kimme Epilieren
To Bucks
Dominic Kahoun

TOHL15 - Preseason

To PowerPanthers
Ben Dover
Casey Ryback
To Bravehearts
Rainer Beamther

To PowerPanthers
Bob McDonald
To Admirals
Edwin Casparsson

To PowerPanthers
Chris Tobal
To Kaiserlich
Reinhold Krawuttke

TOHL14 - Preseason

To WildWolves
Kenneth Jansson
To PowerPanthers
Ken Fuck

To Shadows
Harrision Jambo
Pick TOHL15 Round 4 POW
To PowerPanthers
Dominic Kahoun
Rupert Hohlmeise
Pick TOHL15 Round 1 SHA

To PowerPanthers
Mirko Buttje
Pick TOHL14 Round 3 RAC
To Bucks
Radam Laba

To PowerPanthers
Raymond Monplaisir
To Heartbreakers
Lubomir Odavec
Pick TOHL14 Round 2 RAP

To PowerPanthers
Flippo Calippo

To Saints
Rob McCarron
Flippo Calippo
Pick TOHL15 Round 2 POW
To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL15 Round 1 SAI

To Kaiserlich
Otto Weizenkeim
Pick TOHL14 Round 2 VOO
To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL14 Round 1 KAI

TOHL13 - Day 6

To Aliens
Kristian Steiven
Pick TOHL14 Round 2 POW
To PowerPanthers
Anthony Kumasi

TOHL13 - Preseason

To Voodoo
Mambo Pasadoble
Weniq Kanna
Pick TOHL14 Round 3 POW
Pick TOHL14 Round 4 POW
To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL14 Round 1 VOO
Pick TOHL14 Round 2 VOO
Pick TOHL14 Round 2 RAP

To Saints
Bjoern Raduenz
To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL14 Round 3 ENG

To Heartbreakers
Tom Ochocinco
Eitler Fatzke
To PowerPanthers
Bad Boy
Pick TOHL14 Round 1 HEA
Pick TOHL14 Round 2 HEA

TOHL12 - Day 25

To PowerPanthers
Rhet ORiker
To Voodoo
Alvaro Soronado

TOHL12 - Preseason

To PowerPanthers
Ronny Rotwasser
Alvaro Soronado
Lubomir Odavec
Pick TOHL13 Round 2 VOO

To Admirals
Lucky Strike
To PowerPanthers
Andi Hupen

To Heartbreakers
Morten Bang
Kirk MacCutcheon
To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL13 Round 1 HEA
Pick TOHL13 Round 2 HEA

To Cobras
Bodo Bagger
To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL13 Round 3 COB

To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL13 Round 1 RAC

TOHL11 - Day 100

To PowerPanthers
Rob McCarron
Weniq Kanna
To Admirals
Boris Schibulsky
Pick TOHL12 Round 1 POW
Pick TOHL12 Round 3 POW

TOHL11 - Preseason

To Heartbreakers
Yevgeniy Bogdanov
Matteo Insolvenze
Pick TOHL12 Round 3 POW
To PowerPanthers
Eitler Fatzke
Pick TOHL12 Round 1 HEA
Pick TOHL12 Round 2 HEA

To PowerPanthers
Otto Mane
Stanislav Stajner
Manny Faces
Pick TOHL12 Round 2 HOR

To PowerPanthers
Kenneth Jansson

TOHL10 - Day 51

To Steelers
Valeri Sackarov
Pick TOHL11 Round 1 STE
To PowerPanthers
Woody Wanker

TOHL10 - Day 46

To Kaiserlich
Sergio Maiworm
To PowerPanthers
Magnus Zetterqvist

TOHL10 - Day 43

To Heartbreakers
Romano Cucinatti
To PowerPanthers
Lex Barker
Ragu Letto

TOHL10 - Day 37

TOHL10 - Day 28

To PowerPanthers
Tom Ochocinco
Pick TOHL11 Round 2 REA

TOHL10 - Day 14

To Hawks
Raul DiosMios
To PowerPanthers
Waleed Abdulhusin

TOHL10 - Day 9

To Bucks
Michael Stadlbauer
Pick TOHL11 Round 2 COB
To PowerPanthers
Sami Hypiaeae
Pick TOHL11 Round 1 STE

TOHL10 - Preseason

To Heartbreakers
Gosey Bumps
Pick TOHL10 Round 2 STE
To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL10 Round 2 HEA

To Heartbreakers
Gosey Bumps
Pick TOHL10 Round 2 STE
To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL10 Round 2 HEA

To Saints
Horst Hass
Pick TOHL11 Round 3 POW
To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL11 Round 1 ENG

To PowerPanthers
Lodovico Macca
To Northern Pikes
Eddy Letourneau

To Cobras
Chad Parker
To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL11 Round 2 COB

To PowerPanthers
Romano Cucinatti
Pick TOHL11 Round 1 RAC
To Raccoons
Ed Funsch
Knut Kawulke

Vilgot Sjoeman
Alex Wyschiwaschsky
Pick TOHL11 Round 2 POW
To PowerPanthers
Gino Grimaldi
Gavin Loomis

To PowerPanthers
Bart Salesch
To Heartbreakers
Eevel Kneevel

TOHL09 - Day 54

To Hawks
Chol JinJang
Pick TOHL10 Round 3 POW
To PowerPanthers
Cliff Hanger
Pick TOHL10 Round 2 STE

TOHL09 - Day 6

To Pirates
Vadim Akintschitz
Pick TOHL10 Round 1 POW
To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL10 Round 1 REA

TOHL09 - Preseason

To PowerPanthers

To PowerPanthers
Eddy Letourneau
Pick TOHL10 Round 2 L67

To PowerPanthers
John Newton

To PowerPanthers
Rene Ruzmarinovic
To Mercenary

To PowerPanthers

To PowerPanthers
Horst Hass
To Heartbreakers

TOHL08 - Day 30

To Bucks
Colton Pershing
To PowerPanthers
Alex Wyschiwaschsky

TOHL08 - Day 27

Columbus Morgan
Fred VanDeNulpe
Pick TOHL09 Round 3 POW
To PowerPanthers
Chol JinJang

TOHL08 - Preseason

To PowerPanthers
Vadim Akintschitz

To PowerPanthers
Billy Hill
To Heartbreakers
Frank Squirrel

To Hawks
Lauro Leopardi
Jukka Teerisalo
Pick TOHL08 Round 1 POW

To PowerPanthers
Vilgot Sjoeman
Sergio Maiworm
Pick TOHL08 Round 1 ENG

To Heartbreakers
Frank Squirrel
To PowerPanthers
Billy Hill

TOHL07 - Day 45

To PowerPanthers
Boris Raketov
To Pirates
Skip Cheadle

TOHL07 - Day 30

To PowerPanthers
Rob Green
Pick TOHL08 Round 2 LOS
To Shadows
Corky Popkins
Pick TOHL08 Round 2 POW

To PowerPanthers
Doc Evil
Ulf Haeggfeldt

TOHL07 - Day 5

To PowerPanthers
Pablo Eskobar
To Steelers

TOHL07 - Preseason

To PowerPanthers
Scott Miller
To Hawks
Gael Rocobar

To Steelers
Heinrich Reissdorf
Pick TOHL08 Round 2 POW
To PowerPanthers
Fred VanDeNulpe

To PowerPanthers
Otto Weizenkeim

To PowerPanthers
Theo Saurus
Alexander Stannek

To Cobras
Vincent Thayer
To PowerPanthers
Dong Qi-Gong

To WildWolves
Alain Boisselier
To PowerPanthers
Pick TOHL08 Round 1 BRO

TOHL06 - Day 60

To Admirals
Salty West
To PowerPanthers
Jukka Teerisalo

TOHL06 - Day 14

To Shadows
Juan Caribo
Mika Illiinen
To PowerPanthers
Leonidas Varydis
Gael Rocobar

TOHL06 - Day 6

To PowerPanthers
Raul DiosMios
Pick TOHL07 Round 2 RAP
To Bucks
Rolf Richter
Jonas Sarpaneva
Pick TOHL07 Round 2 POW

TOHL06 - Preseason

To PowerPanthers
Mansour Zaid

To PowerPanthers
Heinrich Reissdorf
To Hawks
Digger Okonkwo

TOHL05 - Day 5

To PowerPanthers
Corky Popkins
Mika Illiinen

TOHL05 - Preseason

To PowerPanthers
Salty West
Fang DenPuck
Cap Hong
To Northern Pikes
Per Olsson
Hakku Rosiliinen
Gosey Bumps

To PowerPanthers
Michael Stadlbauer
To Steelers
Joe Vinismus

To PowerPanthers
Nils Hammer
To Heartbreakers
Whitey Powers
Walter Walrus

To PowerPanthers
Draft Pick TOHL06 Round 2

To PowerPanthers
Mattia Canaggia

To PowerPanthers
Jim Morrison
To Heartbreakers
Mattia Canaggia

TOHL04 - Day 14

To PowerPanthers
Valeri Sackarov
Walter Walrus

TOHL04 - Preseason

To PowerPanthers
Tarkyn Iacobucci

TOHL03 - Day 20

To PowerPanthers
Bodo Bagger
Draft Pick TOHL04 Round 2
To Hawks
Drakan Arkadejevic
Draft Pick TOHL04 Round 3

TOHL03 - Day 12

To PowerPanthers
Giovanni Brillo
To Heartbreakers
Bart Salesch

TOHL03 - Preseason

To PowerPanthers
Kai Kirsche

To PowerPanthers
Germain Ayaliqueur

To PowerPanthers
Jonas Sarpaneva
To Heartbreakers

To PowerPanthers
Juan Caribo
To Mercenary

To PowerPanthers
Boyd Kennedy

TOHL02 - Day 24

To PowerPanthers
Alain Boisselier
Whitey Powers

TOHL02 - Day 19

TOHL02 - Preseason

To PowerPanthers
Larry Hass
Rolf Richter

To PowerPanthers
Berg Salomansson
Scott Rough
To Bravehearts
Bentt Asmunsjur

TOHL01 - Day 18

To PowerPanthers
Karel Laschnikov
Ueli Schuri

TOHL01 - Day 1

TOHL01 - Preseason

To PowerPanthers
Per Olsson

Trade Statistik

Trades insgesamt: 102 Trades
Trades in der Preseason: 72 Trades
Saison mit den meisten Trades: TOHL10 (16 Trades)
Ehemalige Spieler: 135 Spieler
Zurückgekehrte Spieler: 3 Spieler
Häufigster Tradepartner: Prenzlberg Heartbreakers (15 Trades)

PowerPanthers - ehemalige Spieler